Unsound Project Fellowship Post

Hear Yourself Out

Painting Typefaces on Kavad

The Vain and The Victorious | Zine

How to help someone in depression
Illustration created for The Health Collective, India.

One thing I learned in California

Poster for Young Adults Curriculum Intervention

Emotional Distress
Illustrations designed to inform young adults on social media platforms about some symptoms of emotional stress and what they can do to help themselves when facing those symptoms.

Illustrations for Somewhere
Hand-drawn illustrations created for an independent game by Studio Oleomingus. The project was done in collaboration with Pranjal Kaila.

Mental Health Illustrations
It’s Ok To Talk is a safe space to share your experiences with mental health, mental illness and wellbeing. We believe that talking about mental health is the first step to breaking the stigma.
The below illustrations were made for social awareness of mental health and some tips to keep in mind.
Hand drawn + Hand painted

World Mental Health Day Illustrations
The World Mental Health Day - 10 October, is a day for global mental health awareness and advocacy against social stigma. The 2018 World Mental Heath Day focused on 'Young People and mental health in the changing world'. A series of ten illustrations were designed to acknowledge key challenges that young people face in an ever changing global world.

How Love Fades : Illustrated Story

How to Fail Spectacularly
'How to Fail Spectacularly' is a hand-illustrated zine, focused on giving failure a positive approach through the storytelling in comics.

Yellow Wall
This mural was painted in the dining hall at my parents' home in New Delhi. The dining room would have plenty of natural light which gave me the idea to compliment it with yellow flowers on the wall. My preference of choosing the color yellow also comes from my personal love for it.

Oil painting on a wall at Moustache hostel, Pushkar (Rajasthan).

Sketchbook 0.2
A compilation of recent sketches in my leather diary from Udaipur.
My work of four months led me to explore a few aspects of the city.
2017 / June to Semptember
watercolors, ink and pens.

Visual Diary from 2017 | Watercolors and Inks

Early 2017 | Photo series exploring the images of a place where I've lived for seventeen years, the place that I used to call my home. The thought of leaving and relocating to a new house made me look at the aspect of my belongingness. Curating the photographs that were shot by my sister, Priyanka, in the form of a short book.

Accordion Book
October 2016 | Accordion Book | I came across a mobile app named 'Conscious' which gave daily prompts to think about in our day to day life, for instance gratitude, forgiveness, happiness and so on. on the basis of themes provided by a phone app called Conscious. I drew my thoughts around the daily prompts throughout the month of October and curated it on the accordion book.

100 days of letter writing
The 100 days of project is a celebration of process that encourages participation in 100 days of making. Showing up day after day is the goal. For the 100-Day Project, it’s not about fetishising finished products—it’s about the process.
Starting January 2016 | 100 Handwritten letters

Structured Books
An internship project under the guidance of professor Nina Sabnani, IDC, IIT Bombay. An instructions booklet was to be made which will be used as hand-outs for students attending a workshop on how to make different types of books. The booklet illustrates step by step processes of how to create the kinds of books, for example : Ox-Plow book, Star Tunnel book, Accordion book and so on. It also illustrates two kinds of book binding. The illustrations were handmade and then digitised accordingly.

The story of dying indian scripts told through Kavads

Bhil Project
The Bhil Project is a sponsored set of work under the direction of illustrator, animator and professor Nina Sabnani of IDC, IIT Powai, Mumbai. It revolves around the storytelling models of various Indian tribes, Bhils being one of them from the region of Madhya Pradesh. To be a part of the project has been quite enriching. As a part of an 6 weeks internship, I was supposed to make layouts for a Bhil Alphabet book, catering to both kids as well as adults, with bite sized information on the tribe. The illustrations curated in the layouts have been created by Bhil artists, working under the guidance of Nina Sabnani. The cover page of the project has been created by Bhil Artist Sher Singh. I am not liable to it's creation, nor do I intend to take any credit for it.

February Color
February Color was a personal 28 day project where I used color to describe each passing day, as a way to distract from the grey and dull weather of the month February. Watercolor paper, stencil, pens, paints and gouche paint were used mostly,

visual diary
A look into my visual diaries that documented my experiences of the months of November and December 2016. The blue-purple diary has been made by hand from scratch, using watercolour paper, beads, threads, and cotton cloth for the cover.

A work in progress project.
Depression is the most thought of but rarely well talked about topic. the focus here is to give an insight on the ignorance of people on depression and how it effects the one suffering from depression. The story is illustrated on 4 by 4 inch square paper, using black paint and ink only.

Visual Diary 2014
Visual Diary made during my college foundation year in 2014.

Re-thinking Negativity
Rethinking Negativity
Hand illustrated sheets based on Daniel Pink's chapter on finding positivity in negative things, from the book 'Drive: About what motivates us'.

Typhoo brand manual
Re-creating the logo-type of the existing British Tea brand- Typhoo.